Senators do what they do best during Seth Rogen speech on Alzheimer’s

They Don’t Show Up!

It’s been a while since I have written a post that highlights a person, event or group that deserves the Not Before Coffee Flip!

Seth Rogen testified before the Senate Appropriations Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Subcommittee earlier this week. I caught just a small clip of Rogen's statement, but it was more than enough to make my blood boil.


How RUDE – all but TWO senators to remain seated while Rogen was speaking?

Senator Kirk issued a tweet thanking Rogen for speaking before Congress, to which Rogen tweeted back. See the exchange for yourself:

seth rogen and senator kirk tweets

Rogen also had a colorful tweet exchange Senate Appropriations Twitter account after calling out the entire subcommittee for what he felt was a poor showing for his testimony.

seth rogen and sen appropriations 1seth rogen and sen appropriations 2

I did some quick checking on and as usual, I turn away with the same feeling – there is more money in TREATING disease and selling life-extensions in small doses than there is in a cure.

Several years ago, I heard an economist say something along the lines of “There will never be full solar power, because no one has figured out how to own the sun.” Treating horrible, life-threatening diseases is very similar. The market can share in profits when it comes to “treatments” because there can be several of those. But there can only be ONE CURE.

With the tremendous minds we have working in science, I have to wonder why some of these horrible diseases still exist.

Call it a conspiracy theory or whatever you like – but it is one of those things that makes you wonder.

About Gayla

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