Fake News, Quotes and Facebook Meme’s About Malcom X

This particular meme captured my curiosity this morning. In shame, I realized I knew very little about Malcom X outside of the quotes that float around the internet from time to time. Because of THIS meme, I read through the Malcom X “The Ballot or the Bullet” speech that was delivered on April 3, 1964 in Cleveland, Ohio. In this speech, Malcom X spoke against the “white man” BUT he did so in the context […] Read the Full Article »

The REAL hidden agenda of the Democratic party

I've made it well known that, throughout my adult life, I have been a Democrat. In August, 2015, I became a Republican. I did so after the life of Kate Steinle was snuffed out at the hands of an illegal immigrant who had been deported FIVE TIMES and was living in the sanctuary city of San Francisco. Weeks went by and our sitting president NEVER acknowledged her death. While he had, in THREE DAYS, acknowledged […] Read the Full Article »