Flirting a Major Struggle for Online Singles

According to a recent survey conducted by Woome, nearly 3 out of 4 single online adults(1) (72 percent) find flirting online more difficult than in person, citing the inability to observe body language, gauge chemistry and assess physical appearance as major contributing factors. 61 percent of single adults say looks are most likely to attract them to someone within the first minute of an introduction. Only 17 percent said they thought sense of humor was […] Read the Full Article »

First the Stuffed Zipper Bulge – Now the Preparation H Pecks

Ladies, before you go falling in love with those rock hard pecks on the hunk at the bar, you might want to consider he might just be slathering on a little secret to make those pecks appear to be more desirable then they really are! It’s true!  Men are slapping on a layer or two of hemorrhoid treatment to make those pecks look leaner and younger then they really are!  Can you even believe it? […] Read the Full Article »