Evil Profits Off Tragedy– And You Likely Helped

A couple of nights ago, I found myself sinking into a deep depressive state. As much as I wanted to turn the television off and escape the horrific details that were unfolding in Newtown, Connecticut – my conscience would not allow me to. My heart ached for those who couldn’t shut their television or radio off to escape for even a moment – my soul longed to be there with them – even if it […] Read the Full Article »

For Real: Exploiting Sandy Hook Victims for Profit

In the wake of the Newstown, Connecticut tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary, as with most tragic events, opportunists begin to crawl out of the woodwork almost immediately. One example is Facebook page designed to look like memorial pages. Facebook pages that spring up shortly after major news breaks should be considered suspicious at best. Just because it’s on Facebook and has thousands of followers, does not make it legitimate. Why would people do something like […] Read the Full Article »