Open Letter to My Hillary Clinton Stalker and Follow up

Earlier this week I received a very mean, cruel message on my blog. The person used my Grandpa’s name, Frank, as their fake name and in their comment they used my deceased brother and other personal stuff to attack me on a deep, emotional level. Considering that my kids think I do better research than the FBI, it didn’t take me long to figure out who SHE was. This is the message I posted on […] Read the Full Article »

Interrupting the Normal Flow of Traffic

Yesterday was the first day in a very long time I was actually able to open my windows and enjoy some fresh air. My typical day involves complete silence, so I may concentrate on work or class projects. Living in a rural area, we don’t hear yelling outside our house much. When yelling erupted, I jumped up and headed for the window. I’m not exactly sure what happened prior to the yelling, but from what […] Read the Full Article »