Signs He’s Got a Cheating Heart & Progressing Toward an Affair

According to Ashley Madison, 50 to 60 percent of men will engage in an affair outside of marriage at some point in their lives. The reasons and excuses are endless, but the signs of propensity for infidelity are usually the same. Signs he’s about to have an affair? Once quiet, he becomes a storyteller. He never leaves the house without an alibi. Frequently lies about the women he spends time with. Hasn't cheated yet, but […] Read the Full Article »

Are Open Relationships Healthy

Via Wikipedia: An open relationship denotes a relationship (usually between two people) in which participants are free to take other partners; if the couple making this agreement are married, it is an open marriage. The “open” in “open relationship” usually refers to the sexual aspect of a non-closed relationship, whereas “polyamory” refers to the extension of a relationship by allowing bonds to form (which may be sexual or otherwise) as additional long term relationships. I’ve […] Read the Full Article »