Respect Begets Love and Love Begets Respect

When couples are fighting and alienating each other, the disconnect in the relationship often has to do with love and respect. I have seen this many times in my work with couples. I also recognize it as I reflect on my own life. But more of that later . . . There are often subtle differences between a man and a woman in what they take away from an interaction. The keyword is "subtle" so […] Read the Full Article »

The After Date Phone Call

For years, the question of “the after date phone call” has been the primary focus of many discussions that occur between men and their buds or women and their gal pals. In general, men seem to believe that a three day rule be applied to calling a woman following a date. Apparently they feel that three days is plenty of time to show they are interested while not appearing overly pushy or desperate. Women, on […] Read the Full Article »

Is Internet Porn Cheating?

Straight from the relationship professional himself – Dr. Phil Internet pornography is a growing trend that has many people worried about their relationships. Is it cheating? And is it a "normal guy thing"? Here's what Dr. Phil believes: It is not OK behavior. It is a perverse and ridiculous intrusion into your relationship. It is an insult, it is disloyal and it is cheating. Consider how it makes your partner feel. If it makes your […] Read the Full Article »