Your kids should not be the most important in your family

EVERY PARENT with young kids should read this! Keep it and read it often as a reminder! If you want to see an end to over-entitled brats, bullies, and teach your kids how to deal with disappointment, rejection, failure and loss, THIS is a great place to start. I am 1000% convinced that teen suicide, teen (relationship) abuse and even school shootings would drop MASSIVELY *IF ONLY* parents would raise their kids to know they’re NOT special to anyone outside their front door and the world is a very BIG place that’s going to hurt sometimes, you’ve just got to deal with it! And then, teach them HOW!


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About Gayla

One Response to “Your kids should not be the most important in your family”

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  1. Michael says:

    Good article with good advice.

    I see too many parents running themselves ragged making sure their children are exposed to as many after school activities as possible. Too many Moms in sweats as their daughters are wearing designer clothes. Too many kids with allowances way out of proportion to their needs.

    Maybe this post and the article in it will begin to balance life for some of these parents.

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