Adderall Alternative that Really Works

A couple of month’s ago, the doctor I have had for years moved away. After years of taking Adderall for ADHD and OCD, I was left with either exploring alternatives to Adderall or looking for a new doctor. The fact that Adderall has such an insane stigma attached to it, I didn’t want to even think about trying to find a new doctor, at least not yet.

I found an online forum where Adderall alternatives were being discussed. A couple of options were repeated in the recommendations FAR more than anything else. I decided to give it a try. Neuro-Peak and Energy+Focus (affiliate links)

energy focusneuro peak

It’s been well over a month now and I’ve not really thought too much about whether or not it was actually working until I had a text conversation with my boss. That conversation went something like this:

Boss: Are you still doing the holistic combo for focus?

Me: Yes, is it not working? (I really thought I screwed something up!)

Boss: It’s working fine! You seem to be rocking it!! I found it on Amazon and started taking it today. I think you’re doing great which is why I looked it up.

Me: Well, it feels like it’s working, but I guess you would be the best person to know based on my work.

That’s all the confirmation I need to know that this combo works and works well. My poor boss has been through the mill with me and my mental challenges over the last few years – especially during the times when I would go without taking Adderall.

The thing I like most is there is no crashing. There is no increased appetite like other times I would be without Adderall. The change is very subtle, in a way that I don’t feel chemically modified. I feel far more normal, or at least as close to what I think normal should feel like.

If you suffer from low-energy, struggle with attention, focus or clarity, I highly recommend you order this combo and give it a try. It does take a few days to really kick in, but once it does, you will feel SO much better, and will be able to handle the challenges of daily living, much easier.

About Gayla

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