3 Themes to Avoid in Any Argument

Guest Author: There is no perfect person, as there are no perfect couples or perfect relationships. You can only work with what you have, and try to make it better. I learned this lesson by observing a lot of couples, whether they were my own parents or other people’s parents, my aunts and uncles or my friends. Couples can and do fight, and a couple that never fights is more the exception than the rule. […] Read the Full Article »

What Every Woman Should Know about Rohypnol

Guest Post: While you may have never heard of Rohypnol, chances are you've heard of “roofies” or “the date rape drug”, which are street names for the drug. However, as a woman, it's important for you to thoroughly understand the drug and what it can do to you. The following is what every woman should know about Rohypnol. What is Rohypnol? Rohypnol is a drug that is used to treat insomnia. However, the manufacturing and […] Read the Full Article »