Drilling for Oil in the U.S.A–Why Not?

The Natural Resources Defense Council wrote the following in its article “Build the Clean Energy Economy,” published on www.nrdc.org (accessed Oct. 1, 2008): “Oil companies and their allies in the Bush administration are using high gas prices as an excuse to push for more drilling, but that's not the solution for America's energy crisis. Despoiling nature to get at the tiny trickle of oil we have left won't make any significant difference in what we […] Read the Full Article »

17 year old photo repurposed as Hurricane Isaac by AP sites

Earlier today, a friend of mine shared a spine-chilling photo on Facebook. The photo was supposed to be of Hurricane Isaac looming just off Key West, Florida. As I looked at the image, I had a bit of a ‘de-ja-vu’ kind of moment. I remembered seeing that SAME photo, only under the name of Katrina. How I knew was the tiny ships you can see when you look close enough. Well, last week I learned […] Read the Full Article »

Interrupting the Normal Flow of Traffic

Yesterday was the first day in a very long time I was actually able to open my windows and enjoy some fresh air. My typical day involves complete silence, so I may concentrate on work or class projects. Living in a rural area, we don’t hear yelling outside our house much. When yelling erupted, I jumped up and headed for the window. I’m not exactly sure what happened prior to the yelling, but from what […] Read the Full Article »