Question from the Web: Why Do Conservatives Think They Own Christianity?

While visiting one of my favorite, social hangouts earlier today, I came across the question: Why do conservatives think they own Christianity? I’ve wondered that sometimes myself – although my version isn’t painted with such a wide brush. No one should categorize “all conservatives” or “all Christians” in to such small boxes. I thought about the question for a bit… my thoughts are: I’ve often joked, calling myself an "extreme moderate" because I easily fit, […] Read the Full Article »

Yes, I Hate Religion Too!

A friend of mine shared this video on Facebook. Since I’ve been on my own continued journey for inner peace and in search of my own salvation, I was intrigued by the title and clicked through to watch. Before you read further, click the play button. Listen carefully – reset it and listen as much as you need to in order to absorb and feel the message. It is a powerful one. Now, where was […] Read the Full Article »

Finding My Religion – The Journey Begins

Ever since I was pre-teen, I’ve wondered why there are so many religions, so many denominations, so many rules – when clearly, the Ten Commandments are relatively simple to follow. While I don’t remember who the minister was – I remember his words that resonated in my mind at a very early age. I recall the Sunday morning sermon placed emphasis on Philippians 2:12   Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as […] Read the Full Article »